Manned Spacecraft Center Progress Report, July-December 1968

“From the six manned flights of the Mercury program through the ten manned missions of Gemini, the development of manned spaceflight in the United States had proceeded with an elegant logic to the threshold of manned Apollo missions in the second half of the year 1968.”

Apollo 9: Three to Make Ready

“Now McDivitt put on a virtuoso performance playing the throttle of the Lunar Module, each variation of thrust a note in a technological symphony.”

The Lunar Landing

“While all other phases of the lunar mission can be demonstrated in Earth or lunar orbit, the manned lunar landing can be demonstrated only by its accomplishment.”

Manned Space Flight Quarterly Report No. 26, July-September 1969

“As Neil Armstrong climbed down the ladder to a new—yet incredibly old—world, over 400,000 men and women symbolically descended with him. The men and women in government service, in industrial complexes, and in a network of universities who had made this incredible feat a reality.”